Blog Comments

  1. carla's Avatar
    Merideth - Adonis and Venus are different products from FBF aimed at physique improvement rather than at general health improvement like the FBF is. FBF is meant to be a corrective protocol to help you improve your digestive health and as a by-product your overall general health as well as your body fat profile. You do get a workout protocol to follow, but the program is about NUTRITION, not about working out.

    Heather - What is it exactly you are looking for that you don't feel is present in the program?

    Here is a Quick Start guide to help you both understand and navigate the program. If you have further questions, please feel free to p.m. me. As this is Prev's blog, it is not an appropriate place to continue these types of discussion.

    If you don’t want to read the whole manual, here is what you can do to get started right NOW!

    1.) Navigate to page 29 of the FBF 12 Week Weight Loss manual and follow the protocol. A visual

    diagram with complete instructions is on page 30.


    2.) Go to the FBF Nutrition Calculator and enter your statistics. The calculator will tell you

    everything you need to know including your recommended calories, protein, probiotic dose (if

    desired) and even the correct foods to eat! You should revisit this tool every week as your

    recommendations will change each week that you are following the protocol.

    3.) Begin the workout program as soon as possible!


    That’s all you need to know to get started using the Flat Belly Forever program!
  2. heatherksa's Avatar
    I just bought today as well and disappointed in what I got and it was almost $150 CA
  3. merideth1970's Avatar
    What is this Adonis and Venus workouts your talking about? I just bought the bff's 12 week program, the what foods to eat and the final phase, you know spending over $100 I thought I was going to get DVDs for workouts
  4. carla's Avatar

    Thank you so much for writing this up. Great synopsis and very realistic. I agree with you that this protocol is much more of a "corrective" protocol than a "get shredded" protocol. Those with significant weight to lose will probably lose some, but those who are lean will simply be improving their gut bacteria profile which results in better general health and hopefully in greater ease at maintenance due to digestive improvements.

    My experience using the protocol was similar to yours. As a maintaining Venus, I am 5'5.5" tall and I am maintaining around 118lbs (my contest ready weight is somewhere sub 115). I do the Venus or Adonis workouts and other body part split programs of my own design 5x/week. I wasn't expecting any weight loss although certainly if I had combined the FBF foods with a true cutting style of calorie restriction I would have lost weight. But as we know well, it is a whole different level of strategy for cutting below "healthy" weight and into contest territory, so it wasn't at all necessary.

    I do feel a lot better and I think I handle food a lot better since working to improve my microbiotic profile. Now I am cutting again for a photoshoot and my body is responding very well.

    I did all the editing work on the manuals, helped develop some of the particulars of the way the protocol is laid out (post research phase) and wrote some of the material myself. Going forward I am in charge of making changes and updates to the product based on customer feedback. I will keep in mind your comments about saturated fats in the recommended meats and make an adjustment.

    You did the right thing to just follow the protocol to the best of your discretion and not drive yourself crazy.

    Let me know if you need anything into the future. And thanks again for trying the protocol and for your feedback.

    Best regards,
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